A) Write a function (or class) to perform (gray value) histogram equalization and test it on the image birds.jpg from the previous session. Display the original image in color, its gray value histogram, the gray scale histogram equalized image, and the equalized histogram. The two images should be displayed side-by-side in a single window (using a QHBoxLayout, for example) with the original image on the left and the equalized image on the right. The two histograms should also be displayed side-by-side in a single window (but in a different window than the images) with the original histogram on the left. (15 pts)
B) Write a function that rotates an image around its center by a
specified angle. Recall that rotation about
a point (other than the origin) requires compound transformation as
discussed in Lecture 1. Use bilinear interpolation. Put the resulting
(rotated) image into an image of size D × D where D is the image
diagonal length. You may choose any full color image of your choice,
but no larger than 500x500 pixels. (15 pts)
Alternative II: Presentation
Assignment (requires special agreement by instructor):
Medical imaging survey. Find three medical researchers at your
institution who are using image processing in their work. Contact them
and interview them about their projects, also review their publications
using Medline. Submit the PPT slides (1 hour seminar, 30 PPT slides
minimum) at the beginning of session 8. In session 10 you will present
the three case studies in class. You can use images / animations from
the internet (google image search) or capture figures from the research
articles. However, do indicate the source of the images in your slides.
Follow roughly the style format of the course notes (i.e. use plain
white background).