HI 6326 Session 1
- Lecture 1: Complex Numbers, Convolution, Fourier
Transform (PDF
- Homework
Resources and Assignments:
Homework Assignment
Due at session 2. Hand in the
written solutions at the beginning of class.
1: Convolution
Using the following diagram, explain the 2D convolution
operation in your own words. Is this the first way (class
notes slide number 20) or second way (class
notes slide number 28) to compute the convolution?

Then, solve the 2D convolution problem in the class
notes (slide number 30).
Problem 2: Fourier Transform
Using pencil and paper, compute the 1D Fourier Transform F(s) of the
Gaussian: f(x) = exp (-π x2). Hint: In the FT equation, use
a new integration variable by substituting y =
x + i s, then express the exponent in terms of y2 and s2.
Solve the integral over y, e.g. with a table of definite